Faith Harron
Lead Learning Consultant & Program Coordinator
Faith Harron (she/her) is a senior double-majoring in mechanical engineering and Russian Language & Literature from North Dakota. She is interested in intersections—creative writing and science, engineering and government, community and sustainability—and is planning to complete an interdisciplinary honors thesis. On campus, Faith is involved with the Golden Gate Science Olympiad, the Society of Women Engineers, and Adopt a Science Olympiad Team. Off campus, she’s spent the past four years working with the Joyce Ivy Foundation, an organization dedicated to helping young women from the Midwest achieve their dreams of higher education, and she completed a Cardinal Quarter experience in Tajikistan implementing a long-term makerspace program for Grade 5 students. In her spare time, she writes speculative fiction novels. Being a Peer Learning Consultant is a chance for her to give back and contribute the things that she’s learned and learn from others in the process.
- Faith is also: SSEA 2017; MITES @ MIT 2016; Cardinal Quarter 2018; SGS Scholars 2019
- Contact: feharron [at] stanford [dot] edu
- Faith works with: undergraduate students
- Request a Workshop or Consultation from Faith